Tag Archives: Minor League Baseball Promotions

VIDEO: David Smith Talks About Being A Human Cannonball At Minor League Parks Across The Country

David “Cannonball” Smith is one of the most popular minor league baseball promotions in the country. He hops in a cannon and is shot over the outfield wall in what is dubbed the Human Home Run. In the video below, Smith talks about his career, the physics behind being a human cannonball, and how his passion has become a family affair. You also get to see the human cannonball get launched 75 feet in the air and cover 165 feet of distance before clearing the outfield wall at a Lowell Spinners game. It’s pretty awesome.

Jamestown Jammers To Wear Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz Jerseys On Wednesday

Wednesday marks what would have been Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday. To celebrate, the Jamestown Jammers of the New York-Penn League will be wearing special jerseys with LuciDesi and two pictures of Ball and Desi Arnaz on the front. The back of the jersey contains an artist’s rendition of Ball’s face. The story link contains a picture of the jersey and comments from Lou Deppes the president of the Lucy-Desi Center who will benefit from a post game jersey auction.

Jammers Love Lucy — Post-Journal.com

Huntsville Stars Car Survivor Promotion Finally Ends Nine Days After Five Contestants Entered The Car

After nine days the Huntsville Stars Car Survivor contest is finally over. Shawn Harris outlasted four other contestants and the 90 plus degree heat for nearly a week and a half, and finally takes home the car. Shawn talks about his experience in the interview below. You can see all the highlights of the contest at CarSurvivor.com

Florence Freedom Of The Frontier League Draw Young Fans In The Hot Summer With 30 Foot Tall Waterslide

Great promotion by the Florence Freedom of the Frontier League. Faced with afternoon games and temperatures in the 90’s, the Freedom, located just south of Cincinnati brought out this giant 30 foot tall inflatable water slide. Judging by the huge line in the video, the promotion was a great success.

Huntsville Stars Running 2nd Annual Car Survivor Contest: Five People Enter Last One Standing Wins The Car

The Huntsville Stars the Double-A affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers and Jerry Damson Honda are running their second annual Car Survivor contest. On July 20th during the Stars game against the Chattanooga Lookouts, five fans entered the 2007 Honda Accord parked outside the main gate at Joe Davis Stadium. When they leave is up to them. By rule they get a 15 minute break every 6 hours. So that means 23 of their 24 hours each day will be spent in the vehicle. The last one out wins the car. Last year’s contest went eight days before the final contestant folded. There is no air conditioning in the vehicle so they will only have the luxury of having the windows rolled down to circulate air. The five day forecast in Huntsville shows high of at least 87 degrees for the next five days with a couple of days over 90. I have posted the contestants into videos below. Contestant Susan is tweeting from the vehicle and you can follow her @BayouBabe1210 the Stars are also tweeting updates from the contest @CarSurvivor. In addition they are running 24 Hour per day U-Stream coverage, which you can watch below the contestant intros.

UPDATE #1: After 20 Hours, none of the five contestants have left the 2007 Honda Accord.

UPDATE #2: 7:38 p.m. Central: Deborah has just left the car. She’s the first one to leave. Down to the final four.

UPDATE #3: Susan bowed out after 26 Hours. Down to 3 left in the car.

UPDATE #4: Jan has left the car. Down to the final two.

UPDATE #5: As of 11:00pm EST on Sunday both Shawn and Nathan still remain in the car. Going on their 5th day in the vehicle.

UPDATE #6: No sign of either contestant leaving the car as the contest nears the end of its 6th day.

UPDATE #7: Car Survivor is in it’s 8th day with no sign of stopping.

UPDATE #8: Car Survivor is over. Shawn wins in the 9th day.

Meet The Contestants:

Susan: Eliminated After 26 Hours

Deboorah: ELIMINATED After 21 Hours


Jan: Eliminated After Just Over 48 Hours

Nathan Eliminated After 9 Days

Watch the 24 Hour Live Streams from inside the vehicle at CarSurvivor.com