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Kicking Game Philosophy and Fundamentals (video) by Bill snyder

Kicking Game Philosophy and Fundamentals (video) by Bill snyder

The Science of Coaching Football Video Lecture Series presents America's top football coaches discussing all aspects of football play. Designed for coaches at all levels of competition, each volume presents a complete uncut video of actual lecture presentations given at one of America's top coaching clinics. 1996, 68 min.

The Placekicking Team: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Fakes (video) by Steve Libassi

The Placekicking Team: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Fakes (video) by Steve Libassi

A step-by-step review of the responsibilities and duties of the long snapper and holder on the placekicking team. Features an explanation with demonstrations of three commonly employed placekicking fakes. Covers grip, speed, height, adjusting the ball and lace positioning for the snapper, set up and effect on the kick, proper tilting for the holder, and timing for the kicker. 2000, 31 min.

Kickoff Fundamentals and Techniques (video) by Steve Libassi

Kickoff Fundamentals and Techniques (video) by Steve Libassi

A comprehensive overview of the factors involved in kicking off successfully. The video also includes straightforward advice on how to develop the leg strength and flexibility that are essential to successful kickoffs. Explores how to determine kickoff objective, factors that affect kickoffs, types of kickoffs (deep, squib, pooch, on-side, line drive) and more. 2000, 40 min.

Placekicking Mechanics (video) by Steve Libassi

Placekicking Mechanics (video) by Steve Libassi

Explains and demonstrates the mechanics involved in both straight-on kicking and soccer-style kicking. Covers how to measure steps properly, correct stance, drive step, arm swing, foot contact, and follow through for both styles of kicking. Also examines diagnosing mistakes and problems. 2000, 43 min.

Placekicking Drills and Adjustments (video) by Steve Libassi

Placekicking Drills and Adjustments (video) by Steve Libassi

Presents an invaluable overview of the types of adjustments placekickers should make to account for situations involving the condition of the field, the weather, the crown of the field, the angle of the kick, and third-down considerations. Explains and demonstrates a series of proven drills designed to enhance a placekicker's ability to handle specific situations. 2000, 35 min.

Holder Techniques for Field Goals and Extra Points (video) by Tom Howard

Holder Techniques for Field Goals and Extra Points (video) by Tom Howard

The Science of Coaching Football Video Lecture Series presents America's top football coaches discussing all aspects of football play. Designed for coaches at all levels of competition, each volume presents a complete uncut video of actual lecture presentations given at one of America's top coaching clinics. 1997, 53 min.

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